Glaucoma & Ocular hypertension

Medical and surgical treatment of cases of ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma, narrow angles and closed-angle glaucoma, and also secondary glaucomas, such as post-surgical and post-traumatic. 
Surgery with classical techniques, such as trabeculectomy, or techniques that require the introduction of implants. Laser treatment with selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), iridotomy and iridoplasty. 

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Surgical treatment with introduction of a wide array of intraocular lenses (monofocal, toric and multifocal), adapted to each patient’s profile and needs.

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Surgical treatment with introduction of a wide array of intraocular lenses (monofocal, toric and multifocal), adapted to each patient’s profile and needs. 

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Other adult
eye diseases

Age related macular degeneration (EN)

AMD is an age-related disease that affects mainly the central vision. Initially it can manifest by blurriness or distorted vision and, at a later stage, it can impair the ability to see faces or check the time.
Advanced AMD can manifest as a “dry” disease, also called geographic atrophy, or a “wet” disease, usually called exudative AMD since there is leakage from abnormal blood vessels. This abnormal fluid leads to visual loss and, if treated early, can be removed with vision restoration. Treatment is usually done with intravitreal injections. At a later stage, scarring can happen, and vision loss may be irreversible.

Retinal venous occlusion

Retinal venous occlusion, usually termed retinal thrombosis, consists in a blood clot that blocks a retinal vein, leading to blood leakage and hemorrhages, which results in vision loss. It can happen due to body diseases which are unknown or require improved care, like arterial hypertension and high blood cholesterol.
Treatment options range from retinal laser to intravitreal injections and other types of surgery.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy can happen to anyone with Diabetes Mellitus and is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the active population. Diabetes Mellitus can damage the retinal vessels leading to leakage, which leads to vision impairment. All patients with Diabetes Mellitus should be screened regularly to assess for this condition.
Damage is preventable if identified early on and treatment started promptly. Apart from improving blood sugar control, treatment options vary from laser, to intravitreal injections or other surgeries.

isabel Gouveia

Vila Nova de Gaia

Encontrei no Dr. João um ser humano muito especial, um excelente profissional e um amigo inesperado. Não há palavras para demonstrar toda a minha gratidão pela sua ajuda, atenção e disponibilidade.

joAQUIM carvalho

São Cosme do Vale

O Dr. Breda tem entre muitas qualidades, duas que eu destaco: competência enquanto profissional e enormes qualidades humanas enquanto pessoa.



O Professor João Breda é a autêntica âncora da minha visão. Na verdade, ele é um Médico competente, atualizadíssimo e presente. Não são palavras de circunstância, mas sim, cimentadas em consultas e em momento operatório.

Maria Jácome


O Dr João Breda é muito competente e atencioso. Tudo correu pelo melhor nas duas cirurgias.

eye conditionsViDEOS