Acting to enhance and preserve your sight!

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Acting to enhance and preserve your sight!

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João Breda is an ophthalmologist with a special interest in cataract surgery and all forms of glaucoma treatment.

He completed a glaucoma fellowship abroad, in Belgium, with Professor Ingeborg Stalmans. He was ranked the 2nd best in Europe in the European Board of Ophthalmologists (EBO).
Obtained his double doctoral degree from the University of Porto, Portugal, and from KU Leuven, Belgium, and he is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
Performs clinical research, mainly focused on glaucoma, and is an author of several international research papers.

Glaucoma & Ocular Hypertension

Medical, surgical and laser treatment


Surgery with monofocal, toric and multifocal lenses

Other adult eye diseases

-Age related macular degeneration
-Diabetic Retinopathy
-Retinal venous occlusion

The second best in the European Board of Ophthalmology

João Barbosa Breda achieved the second best result among 700 participants in the European Board of Ophthalmology exam, held in Paris in May 2019.

Invited expert in European glaucoma guidelines

João Breda was one of the two Portuguese experts invited to participate in the latest update of the European Glaucoma Society guidelines. This document serves as a reference for glaucoma care provided across Europe.

Clinical Research certification by Harvard Medical School

João Breda has successfully completed a 2-year program in Clinical Research provided by Harvard Medical School. This has enabled him to later pursue and achieve his double doctoral degree in Ophthalmology.  

The second best ophthalmologist in European exam

João Barbosa Breda achieved the second best result among 700 participants in the European Board of Ophthalmology exam, held in Paris in May 2019.

Invited expert in European glaucoma guidelines

João Breda was one of the two Portuguese experts invited to participate in the latest update of the European Glaucoma Society guidelines. This document serves as reference for glaucoma care provided across Europe.

Clinical Research certification by Harvard Medical School

João Breda has successfully completed a 2-year program in Clinical Research provided by Harvard Medical School. This has enabled him to later pursue and achieve his double doctoral degree in Ophthalmology.  

isabel Gouveia

Vila Nova de Gaia

Encontrei no Dr. João um ser humano muito especial, um excelente profissional e um amigo inesperado. Não há palavras para demonstrar toda a minha gratidão pela sua ajuda, atenção e disponibilidade.

joAQUIM carvalho

São Cosme do Vale

O Dr. Breda tem entre muitas qualidades, duas que eu destaco: competência enquanto profissional e enormes qualidades humanas enquanto pessoa.



O Professor João Breda é a autêntica âncora da minha visão. Na verdade, ele é um Médico competente, atualizadíssimo e presente. Não são palavras de circunstância, mas sim, cimentadas em consultas e em momento operatório.

Maria Jácome


O Dr João Breda é muito competente e atencioso. Tudo correu pelo melhor nas duas cirurgias.